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  • Drake-Meek Mill Feud Nearly Gets Violent in Philly
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    Remember last year when last year when everyone was talking about the Drake vs. Meek Mill feud and how Drake "murdered" Meek in a series of diss tracks?

    Well if the latest rumors out of Philadelphia are true, Drake may have come within a hair's breadth of getting actually murdered, IRL, no quotation marks needed.

    Drake Dodges Meek Mill

    Meek Mill PictureAccording to TMZ, Drizzy performed in Meek's hometown of Philly on Sunday, and the rappers' long-standing beef nearly took a dangerous detour into Biggie & Tupac territory.Meek figured he couldn't do anything to stop Drake from performing, but he sent word to the Canadian emcee's people that there better not be any disrespect.    Well, Drake apparently didn't heed that warning:                                                       That's Mr. Aubrey Graham performing "Back to Back," one of the diss tracks he targeted at Meek last back in December.                              It was a big middle finger to Meek that he even performed the song, Drake made matters worse by altering the lyrics, at one point rapping.       "I don't give a shit if I'm in Philly I did another one."Meek was understandably not pleased. The rapper and fiance of Nicki Minaj had previously put out word to several associates in Philly to make a show of force at the arena just to ensure that Drake got the message. Judging by his extra-large security force, we think it's safe to Drake he knew he was playing with fire.

    Meek covered his bases by informing local clubs that they were to refuse to allow Drake and his entourage to host an after-party.

    He reportedly scattered some loyal soldiers at various hot spots just to be sure.

    Despite the onstage smack-talk it seems Drizzy knew not to push his luck and reportedly did not attempt to party in Philly after the show.

    Ironically, it sounds like Drake was the one who played it meek in this situation.

    And it seems that he definitely made the right call.

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