WELCOME TO KillerTunes



  • At the end of the day, it depends on what the police will charge them with and what can be proved.
  • BasketMouth Uncensored Live-17
    Basketmouth is married with two kids.

    Basketmouth has been unreachable since the robbery at his Lekki home this morning, September 7.

    According to his colleague, Bovi, ‘Basketmouth was robbed this morning in his home in Lekki Phase 1 between the hours of 2am and 4am, 7th of September 2016. He and his family were held at gunpoint while the sad episode lasted. Nobody was hurt. Valuables were taken including the cctv device. A report has been made at the police station. He can’t be reached at the moment but will be back on as soon as possible.’

    KillerTunesng investigations revealed that the burglars, who attacked the comedian’s home, could face a 14-year jail sentence if caught by the police according to section 403 of the country’s Criminal Code Act (CCA).

    ‘Any person who with intent to steal anything, assaults any other person and at or immediately after the time of assault, uses or threatens to use actual violence to any other person or any property in order to obtain the thing intended to be stolen shall upon conviction be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than fourteen years but not more than twenty years.’

    The laws are however based on charges proven against the robbers, who would get life sentence if there’s someone harmed.

    At the end of the day, it depends on what the police will charge them with and what can be proved.

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