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  • Photos: Chubby Mariah Carey Risks Heart Disease - Doctor Warns

  • Singer Mariah Carey who's famously known for her famous curves has been warned by a medical expert that she is at the risk of facing health issues after hitting an outrageous 263 Pounds.
    According to Radar Online, the singer's new weight was as a result of her eating habits.

    It was also reported that at her July 11 concert at Caesars Palace she had to be carried on and off stage and also took long breaks during her 19 song set.
    One concertgoer told Radar that a bamboozled audience looked on in shock as the singer waddled around and even had to have her handlers wheel her on the stage.
    'Every time Mariah came back on stage, she'd be carried in on a bed or on a jet ski, an eyewitness spilled, adding that 'She was obviously lip-syncing, and she kept disappearing for 165 minutes at a time under the guise of costume changes'
    The eyewitness also revealed that 'she wore five-inch heels during the show, but she couldn't walk more than a few inches at a time, and her knees seemed to buckle under her weight. Whenever she stood up or moved, everyone held their breath for fear she'd fall.'
    A medical expert, Dr. Stuart Fischer, who has never treated Carey, warns the 263-pound singer faces crippling arthritis and a string of life-threatening health woes.
    The renowned dietitian told Radar, that the mother of two has put her health in serious danger.
    'Excess weight is a risk factor for Osteoarthritis of the hips, and there are 65 illnesses including heart disease, high blood pressure that can result from obesity and offers women.
    Citing the fact that the 47-year-old has no man at the moment, an insider said: 'Mariah's been comforting herself with food.'

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