Lil Durk has had quite the eventful morning. Earlier, he dropped his new single “No Fear” produced by Don Cannon and Koji the Bandit. Well that’s clearly not all he had in store for today. Now, he releases his Jeezy and Future assisted new single “Goofy.”,While Future has been lingering in his pop stardom throughout the past few years, it shouldn’t take away from the fact that his career was based off of making heaters for the streets.
Lil Durk has spent the majority of this year working and it’s quite clear. There hasn’t been a month that has gone by this year where he didn’t release something. Last month, he also dropped a tape with long-time collaborator, Lil Reese which has been bubbling up the streets since it dropped. So it’s likely with the collaborations and the consistent releases that Durk will have something major in the cut in the near-future.
DOWNLOAD Lil Durk – Goofy Ft Future & Jeezy
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